Wii Sports Hints & Cheats
Change bowling ball color
As The screen is fading to black for bowling, hold down the control pad until it fades to bowling for these colors:
Cheat Effect
Control Pad Up - Blue Ball
Control Pad Right - Gold Ball
Control Pad Left - Red Ball
Control Pad Down - Green Ball
Play Golf without maps or meters
To disable the power meter, map, and the wind speed indicator, press and hold (2), then make a selection at the "Select a Course" screen.
Change the tennis court
To change the tennis court to the blue practice court, press and hold (2) at the warning screen that shows after selecting characters.
Silver Boxing Gloves
After you've beaten the Grand Champion, Matt, in a boxing match you'll be able to wear silver boxing gloves. To do so, hold (1) when the screen becomes black before a boxing match.